
“Yaozhi”Mobile Office Application

"Yaozhi" Mobile Office Application

"YAO ZHI" is a corporate communication and co-working application, provides major functions such as real-time communication, picture sharing, task collaboration, establishs working group for particular task and turns it into joint task by group discussion conclusion, and provides project management based on monitoring of daily tasks, improving overall work efficiency.

"Yaozhi" Mobile Office Application
Business Fields
Smart Grid New Energy Smart Transportation Electricity Sales Service Hydropower Environmental Protection Overseas Business Others
项城市| 南部县| 修水县| 苍南县| 察雅县| 安仁县| 泾阳县| 翁牛特旗| 安庆市| 拜城县| 尼勒克县| 扶风县| 阿巴嘎旗| 尼玛县| 霍邱县| 襄汾县| 宁陕县| 达孜县| 连山| 屯留县| 廊坊市| 英山县| 乐都县| 临猗县| 湖北省| 自治县| 曲水县| 方城县| 水城县| 石河子市| 东阿县| 冕宁县| 长海县| 图木舒克市| 双江| 崇信县| 剑河县| 新民市| 扎囊县| 本溪市| 商河县|